Examples of UX research surveys to better understand your users
UX Research

Nicolas Jaussaud
Sep 7, 2023
Good UX research allows you to better understand your users, improve your product and considerably increase your sales.
There are various ways of trying to understand your users, but in my opinion the best way is to actually talk to them! Hence the importance of user surveys, which enable you to gather quantitative responses.
The problem, though, is that we all know that people don’t really like answering surveys – or at least, they don’t like answering the ones they’ve been seeing. That's why we created Told. We’ve emphasized design to build much sexier surveys, which are distributed directly within your product and that get an average of 40% more responses than a classic email survey.
In this article, we'll show how easy it is to get answers to your questions using survey popups. What's more, we'll show some concrete examples of UX research surveys to get you started.
What is a popup survey?
It's a survey that's displayed to the right person at the right time within your website/product. Unlike tedious email surveys, they make users want to respond. Told’s popup surveys get an average of 40% more responses than traditional survey formats.
This means you can collect a lot of qualitative data, which is exactly what is needed to really understand users. If you'd like to start creating your own surveys, sign up for a free account with Told.
Get started easily with 10 survey examples
Don't be afraid to ask your users questions, even if it means hearing things you don't like - that's the way to get ahead. It can be hard to take the plunge, but I promise that once you do, you'll be surprised to find out what your users think. That's why we're sharing here a list of 10 UX research surveys that you can easily create and distribute on your product/website.
1. Customer satisfaction survey (NPS)

Purpose: The NPS survey is a quick and easy way to assess customer satisfaction, commitment and loyalty. Based on your responses, you can calculate your NPS score and compare yourself with other companies in your sector. The aim is to improve your score over time. It’s easy to track this: in the settings for a survey on told, just activate the quarterly recurrence, which will enable you to display the survey every three months to your users and see how things evolve.
Question 1 (NPS question): On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service?
Question 2 (Open Question): What in particular makes you give this score?
2. Feedback survey on a new feature
Objective: Gather feedback on a feature recently added to your product.
Question 1 (Multiple choice): Have you recently used our new feature X? [Yes, No]
Condition YES (Open Question): What did you think and how can we improve it?
Condition NO (Multiple choice): Why haven't you used it? [I haven't seen it, I don't find it useful, Other]
3. Onboarding experience survey
Objective: Evaluate how easy it is for users to sign up and start using your product.
Question 1 (Opinion scale): How intuitive did you find our registration process?
Question 2 (Open Question): How can we improve the experience?
4. Payment experience survey

Objective: The prime objective of this survey is to see if users are satisfied with the overall experience; the last two questions are then used to find possible improvements and identify friction points. Thanks to a survey like this one, you'll be able to increase your conversion rate and sell more. Sounds too simple to be true, but the truth is that so few businesses do it…
Question 1 (Opinion scale): How would you rate the payment experience you've just had?
Question 2 (Open Question): What do you think we can do to improve the experience?
Question 3 (Open Question): Was there anything that almost made you abandon your purchase?
5. Follow-up survey after customer support interaction
Objective: Evaluate the quality of customer support after a user has interacted with your support team.
Question 1 (Opinion Scale): How would you rate the support you recently received from our team?
6. Survey following termination or unsubscription

Objective: Understand why users decide to terminate their subscription or unsubscribe from your service.
Question 1 (Multiple choice): What reason(s) prompted you to cancel your subscription or unsubscribe from our service?
Question 2 (Open Question): Is there something we could have done to make you stay?
7. Needs and expectations survey
Objective: Identify the specific needs and expectations of your users to guide future product development.
Question 1 (Open question): What feature or enhancement would you like to see added to our product in the future?
8. Ease of navigation survey
Objective: Understand how users perceive the usability and navigation of your website or application.
Question 1 (Opinion scale): How easy is it to find what you're looking for?
Question 2 (Opinion scale): On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy was it to navigate between the different pages?
Question 3 (Opinion scale): On a scale of 1 to 5, how user-friendly do you find the design of our site?
9. Article/content relevance survey
Objective: Evaluate whether the content of your website or application meets user needs and expectations; this is perfect for evaluating a blog post.
Question 1 (Opinion scale): Did you enjoy reading this article?
Question 2 (Open question): How could we make it better?
10. Survey to measure Product-Market Fit

Objective: Measure your product-market fit with this template. This template is used a lot by startups; if less than 40% of respondents answer "very disappointed" to the first question, it means you are on the right track.
Question 1 (Multiple choice): How would you feel if you could no longer use [Our company]? [Very disappointed, Somewhat disappointed, Not disappointed]
Question 2 (Open question): How could [Our company] be improved to better meet your needs?
Question 3 (Open question): What type of people do you think benefit the most from [Our company]?
In conclusion, user surveys are an essential tool for improving your user experience, understanding user needs and driving business growth. Popup surveys such as those offered by Told make interactions more engaging and generate more responses. With the concrete examples of UX surveys presented here, you're ready to start gathering valuable information to better serve your users and strengthen your business. Don't underestimate the ability of your users' voice to guide the evolution of your product or service.