The Power of Surveys in User Research and Product Design

Harness the power of surveys for user research and product design. Assess existing products, inform design direction, and explore user attitudes efficiently.

Harness the power of surveys for user research and product design. Assess existing products, inform design direction, and explore user attitudes efficiently.

UX Research

Maria Correa

Sep 19, 2023

Product development is a set of various elements, from ideation to design and from testing to marketing. One cornerstone that holds significant weight in the process is user research, and surveys play an instrumental role in it. Here, we'll delve into how surveys not only help in understanding the users' attitudes towards existing products but also inform the direction of future designs.

Assessing an Existing Product with Surveys

Why Surveys?

When a product is already out in the market, understanding its performance from the user's perspective becomes the most important thing, even before launching new features, and this is where surveys come in handy. User researchers primarily rely on surveys to tap into customer attitudes and opinions about their experiences with the product.

Types of Surveys for Existing Products

  • Gathering Feedback: Surveys can be conducted when the product is live or during alpha/beta testing stages. Feedback at this stage allows designers to make immediate improvements.

  • True-Intent Surveys: These are specific to websites, exploring why people visit and what they think of their experience. It provides key insights into how well the website serves its intended purpose.

  • Quantitative from Qualitative: Surveys can quantify results from qualitative research like contextual inquiries or interviews. This data-driven approach can help in targeted problem-solving.

  • Usability Evaluation: Surveys like the System Usability Scale (SUS) are particularly effective for assessing the ease with which users can accomplish tasks using the product. This metric is a reliable indicator of overall product usability.


Surveys can validate the problems that need attention. By revealing attitudinal patterns across a wide user base, they help design teams focus on what matters most. This validation process ensures that the product remains aligned with user needs and expectations.

How to create a survey easily?

We developed Told, a solution for creating surveys and rapidly deploying them on your product. Integration directly into the product in popup format enables a greater number of responses than standard surveys.

Start improving your product thanks to user feedback by creating your first survey for free.

Informing the Direction of Design

Market Research

Before even laying the first pixel or writing the first line of code, understanding the market and industry is crucial. Surveys can serve as an invaluable market research tool, providing a broader understanding of how users perceive the space your product will occupy.

Value Proposition

Through surveys, designers and product strategists can determine the value proposition of a new feature or product from the user's perspective. These insights ensure that the development effort aligns with what users actually want and need.

Strategic Resource Allocation

Since surveys churn out quantitative data, they become powerful persuaders for stakeholders. This data becomes a powerful persuasive tool when dealing with stakeholders and decision-makers. Surveys can substantiate the need to allocate resources to tackle specific problems or estimate the potential impact of proposed solutions. In essence, they are the hard evidence that justifies strategic resource allocation.

The Bigger Picture: Surveys as Exploratory Tools

Surveys are not just feedback mechanisms; they are also exploratory tools. They should be employed along with other methods like interviews and domain research to get a comprehensive understanding of the user experience.


Surveys are versatile tools in the world of product development. Whether it's assessing an existing product or informing the direction of a new design, the power of surveys is often underestimated. They offer a quick, scalable way to tap into user attitudes, validate concerns, and even convince stakeholders. As you sail through the product development journey, make sure to utilize surveys to their full potential.

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