How to Create a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey in-app?

Set up NPS surveys in-app with Told for customer feedback. Ensure simplicity, personalization, and targeting for better insights.

Set up NPS surveys in-app with Told for customer feedback. Ensure simplicity, personalization, and targeting for better insights.

Customer Satisfaction

Nicolas Jaussaud

Apr 26, 2023

As businesses strive to enhance their customer experience and foster brand loyalty, Net Promoter Score (NPS) has become an essential metric to measure customer satisfaction. The NPS is even used by 2/3 of the Fortune 1000 companies according to Bain & Company. Having a high NPS score is the assurance of having satisfied and loyal users who can bring recurrence.

It can be a game changer for your business to measure your NPS score. But how to do it?

In this article, we will guide you on how to set up surveys to measure your NPS. For this we will use in-app surveys. That is to say surveys directly integrated in your website / product, to maximize the number and relevance of responses.

Introduction to Net Promoter Score (NPS)

a- What is NPS?

The NPS score is determined by asking customers to rate their level of satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10 and categorizing them as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors. How likely are you to recommend [your company] to a friend or colleague?

Here are the different categories of customers:

  • Promoters are customers who respond with a 9 or 10, indicating they are highly likely to recommend the company to others.

  • Passives are customers who respond with a 7 or 8, indicating they are somewhat satisfied but not necessarily enthusiastic about recommending the company.

  • Detractors are customers who respond with a score of 0 to 6, indicating they are unlikely to recommend the company and may have negative experiences or perceptions of the company.

To calculate the NPS score, you subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. This gives a score between -100 and 100, which provides a quick look at the company's customer loyalty and overall sentiment.

  • A good NPS score is typically considered to be above 50. This means that a majority of customers are promoters, and that the company is likely to enjoy strong customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth marketing. A good score suggests that the company is delivering a high level of customer satisfaction and meeting or exceeding customer expectations.

  • An average NPS score is typically between 0 and 50. This means that there is room for improvement in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty. An average score suggests that the company is meeting some customer needs, but may be falling short in other areas. Companies with average scores should identify areas for improvement and take action to address customer concerns.

  • A bad NPS score is typically below 0. This means that there are more detractors than promoters. A bad score suggests that the company is failing to meet customer expectations and may be providing a poor customer experience. Companies with bad scores should take immediate action to address customer concerns and improve customer satisfaction.

b- Why is it important to gather user feedback with in-app survey?

There are different ways to get feedback or to measure your NPS score. Personally, the one I prefer is the in-app, that is to say displaying the survey directly in a popup format in the website or the platform. In-app surveys are essential for boosting user engagement and feedback.

Here are three reasons why I chose the in-app:

  • The response rate is better than an email survey for example

  • The answers are of better quality, because the survey is displayed directly after the experience. And not 3 days later in an email.

  • It's easy to set up. Thanks to solutions like Told I can quickly deploy an in-app survey in no-code.

How to create an in-app survey with told?

a. Create your NPS survey with Told

Told is a tool that allows you to quickly create and deploy In-App surveys on your website / platform. At Told we have templates that you can reuse, there is an NPS template.
This template is composed of 3 questions:

  • The first is the famous: How likely are you to recommend [your company] to a friend or colleague?

  • The second is Why did you give this rating? This open-ended question allows you to get relevant feedback on your product/brand.

  • The last question of the survey is How can we improve? This allows the user to suggest one or more areas for improvement. The power of an NPS survey is indeed the score obtained but also why, and the areas to develop to improve.

Told is currently in closed beta. To use this template you must join the waitlist by clicking on the button in the navigation.

b- Best practices for designing an effective NPS survey

  • Keep it short and simple: Keep your survey short, no more than 4 questions, to improve your response rate. At Told we record the answers even if the user leaves before the end, since the first question is the famous NPS question, you will still get your score.

  • Personalize the survey: Try to draw your user's eye to your survey as much as possible. Your survey should not be a painting, keep it simple and efficient. Our Told surveys have been designed to increase response rates. For example, you can add a gradient or an avatar to make the experience better.

  • Target the right audience: The audience is super important, you need to target the right people at the right time. For example, never display an In-App survey when the user is in a payment tunnel. Wait until the end of the tunnel to display your survey.

c. Personalize your survey and make it human

You can customize your in-app survey to reflect your branding. In the customization section, you have different options like:

  • The background color

  • Adding an avatar

  • The position

  • Adding a cover image

  • Think that your survey must be beautiful, it must encourage the user to answer. To do this, we advise you to add an avatar with an image and a name. It will make your NPS survey much more human.

d. Deploy your NPS survey on your website or platform

At Told, we want to make complex things much easier, which is why installing a survey takes less than 4 minutes without being an advanced developer.
In order for your survey to display in-app, you need to add the piece of code provided by Told into the <head> tag of your website. Once you have added this piece of code, you can set up your NPS triggers directly on Told. You have several possible triggers:

  • Page view

  • Click on an element

  • Custom event

If you need help, you can contact us or read our documentation.

To deploy your in-app survey quickly with Told, join the closed beta by clicking the Join Waitlist button in the navigation.


In conclusion, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an essential metric for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. The NPS score is determined by asking customers to rate their level of satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10 and categorizing them as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors.

In-app surveys are an effective way to collect feedback and improve the response rate and the quality of the answers.

Told is a tool that can be used to create an NPS survey, which should be short, simple, and personalized. Targeting the right audience and customizing the survey can also help increase response rates.

A good NPS score suggests that the company is delivering a high level of customer satisfaction and meeting or exceeding customer expectations. An average score means there is room for improvement, while a bad score suggests that the company needs to take immediate action to improve customer satisfaction.

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